Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Be prepared for setbacks

Be prepared for setbacks!

Setback: a reversal or check in progress.

If you set out to do anything in life, chances are at some point in time you will run into a setback. Life on any homestead, farm or...just life in general will... as a rule...comes with many setbacks!

But as my mother has always told me, This too shall pass!

When you first start out on any journey, we tend to get these wonderful visions of the perfect scenario. 
Where everything just falls into place in the perfect way!
That rarely, if ever happens!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Hay Goals

Hay Goals

One thing that we have learned how to do here at Robin's Nest is to make do with what we have!

With the way our lifestyle is currently we cannot afford the much needed barn that I have dreamed about for 3 years now!   

So how do we store our hay so that its not right in the way and making a mess in the garage?

Our Horse trailer, that's how!


Our little slice of heaven!

This is the layout of our property that we purchased back in 2015.

Currently the majority of the land is wooded except for a few areas. 
We hope to in the near future be able to clear out more pasture area and maybe add a few cows. 


Our Toms

Our guys were strutting their stuff this morning for me when I went out to feed!

I am fairly new to turkeys but I can already tell that this is going to be quite the adventure!

Our slate grey was purchased from a auction and the big brown guy we got when the previous owner and him wasn't getting along.
Apparently he doesn't care for men...


New Life!

There is always something new to the homestead it seems like. Sometimes its the ending of a life, by natural means or other, and sometimes its the beginning of life.

If its the former it can be hard to accept but we must learn to do so.
If its the latter, well most of the time its quite a joy! 

Thursday, January 23, 2020


What its all about!

This is where I will DIE! 

How many times have I said those words in the last 3 some odd years? 
Honestly more time than I care count but there is a reason behind the madness. Rest assured there is, it just take a second for me to get you there! 

So buckle up buttercup, Here we go!