Thursday, January 23, 2020


What its all about!

This is where I will DIE! 

How many times have I said those words in the last 3 some odd years? 
Honestly more time than I care count but there is a reason behind the madness. Rest assured there is, it just take a second for me to get you there! 

So buckle up buttercup, Here we go!

Our story really started back in 1995. This was the year my husband and I said I do! With me being only 16 at the time, yes 16...he is 9 years my senior so can you just imagine all the uhh advise/warnings from our family and friends?

"Why do you want a second hand man?" 
(James has been married twice before me and yes I know how it looks but just hang on a sec)

"What if he starts beating on you?"
(Now this one is just funny)

"She is just a kid!"
(Ok maybe this one was true)

And my personal favorite

"Are you pregnant?"
(That didn't come for another 3 months)

Anyway... we said I do in July of that year and we are now on our 24th year! See I told you to just hang on a sec.
Our oldest son Jesse is 23 and our youngest Vinnie is 16 and I have to say that they are honestly like daylight and dark with a lot of things, not all mind you but a lot. 

Now to James, my husband. 
Honestly I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life. He is my lover, confidant, best friend and my over all handy man.
He has been with me through some of the best and hardest times n my life and in that he has never failed me. 
Being so young when we married was no doubt hard on him but God bless him he stuck it out and in my opinion, is better off for it! 

We lost my dad in 1999 and a year or so later we moved roughly 3 hours away from the only home I had ever known. To stay for 16 YEARS! 


But now we are back it seems like things are finally slowing down a bit around here.

Lol it didn't happen as smoothly as I made it out to I guess but...

Our home is located on 23 beautiful acers of land in North Alabama. It is truly amazing here and its all thanks to James once again because you see during those 16 years we lived away we looked at several...several houses and even started contracts on some but they all fell through! It was like we were caught in a spider web and couldn't get out! 

So when he found this place I promptly said @^%$#$&* NO! 
(I said a few choice words back then)

I fervently refused to even look at the house! My mother saw it way before I did.
But when I did finally did agree to look at it, it was love. 
Its our own personal little bubble.
That is a far cry from living in the subdivision we were!

Since the day we signed on the dotted line we have added several animals and sadly have lost a few very special ones who had been with us for years.

RIP Sam, Alley and Dixe.
We love and miss you all.

Now we have: 3 Cats, 3 Sheep, 4 Turkeys, 3 Rabbits, 1 snake, 4 Dogs, 3 Quail
AND Chickens...My wonderful chickens.
Ever heard of chicken math? 
At last count I had 68ish maybe.

Chicken math people!

I guess that's the short version of our life here on Robin's Nest!

In this blog I hope to talk about a wide range of topics such as love and loss. Joy and pain. The struggles of being new to homesteading. Butchering your own meat. Sewing, Art, Canning and working with what you have on hand when you cant afford to get what you need!

What it means to tough it out in your marriage when every single thing is coming against you to tear you apart.

And my love for our Lord and savior.
Because if it wasn't for him none of my crazy blessed life would be possible! 

Lets face it, life isn't always easy and it will break you down but each day is a new day and it gives us a chance to start over and help the next person we see who is being knocked down.

Be kind to one another!

Thank you for reading and May God bless you! 

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